November 9th, 2022
Hi everyone.
Today, I have a short, but very important message for you . Please join me and many others in saying ‘No’ to bullying by wearing odd socks on Monday 14th November.
Whether you choose spots with stripes, green with orange or even ducks with sheep, unite with other anti-bullying supporters by choosing to wear odd socks next Monday.
Odd Socks Day marks the start of Anti-bullying week when everyone, children and adults alike, are encouraged to wear odd socks in order to celebrate how unique we all are.
Anti-bullying week is coordinated in England and Wales by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, a coalition of organisations and individuals who are united against bullying.
Picked on for being different at school, I know from personal experience what it feels like to be plagued by bullies. However, we all know that you don’t have to be autistic to be the victim of bullying.
Maybe you are someone who is made to feel that you don’t have the right coloured skin or you are picked on for rejecting clothes which are traditionally associated with a particular gender. Maybe your body shape is the focus of ridicule from others or you are teased for having ginger hair. You are all individuals but you all have one thing in common. That is, you are likely to be targeted by bullies for just being who you are.
Bullying is unacceptable. So please wear your odd socks on Monday 14th November and celebrate what makes us all unique.
Thank you.

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