The Cloak of Conformity and the Corset of Expectation
As someone who is on the autism spectrum, I have expended a great deal of time and energy creating different versions of myself in an attempt to fit into society’s expectations of how I should behave. I refer to this disguise as the Cloak of Conformity and the Corset of Expectation. The corset shaped me into an idealised form whilst the cloak displayed a version of me to the world which said, “Look I fit in.”
The “Cloak of Conformity and the Corset of Expectation” tells the story of my relationship with photography and autism and the ways in which my photographic journey has helped me realise that the cloak and the corset have been suffocating my creativity and that by discarding them I can express my true identity.
Accepting and understanding my autism has given me the confidence to express my identity through my photography which, in turn, has given me the confidence to explore new forms of artistic expression.
I do, of course, illustrate this with a liberal sprinkling of my own images.
I give talks to various organisations including camera clubs, community associations and charities. If you would like more information on how to book a talk, then please leave a message via my Contact Page.
Some of the kind words people have said...

"Alison Webber is an inspiration to photographers and anyone wanting to embark on a project. To see her process as she shares the link between her Autism diagnosis and her photographic work, you learn what is possible to achieve in under a decade. The stars of course are Alison's beautiful photographs that bring peace and balance to where ever she points her camera. Thought provoking and highly motivating to see things in your own creative way."
"For Alison it soon became apparent in her photography that she sees the world very differently in patterns and shapes, which, for her, gave some order to her world. Taking her images on board together with her explanation of how she works, it became very apparent that her images were an extension of her. I found her an amazing lady who exudes photographic passion which we as club photographers can learn a lot from. The standard of her photography was outstanding, and her explanation of how she achieved her images added an extra dimension. It was truly a remarkable evening and I would not hesitate in recommending her talk to other clubs."
"Many thanks for an outstanding presentation this evening and for giving us such an amazing insight into your photographic art.
I think everyone will have found plenty of inspiration for their own photographic journey, and I’m sure we all left with a much better understanding of autism."
"I used to be a keen photographer but for 4 years and due to my wife’s illness had not touched a camera.
Your presentation was the best I’ve seen for many years and as a result I have learned about Autism which I knew nothing about. You have renewed my enthusiasm for photography and I thank you so much.
"Alison's presentation at 'NOW Cerne Abbas' left everyone in admiration for her achievements but also the natural and engaging way she presented the links she has discovered between her autism and its influences, particularly in her photography but also the way she leads her life. Anyone having the opportunity to listen to Alison should take it. You will learn such a lot in a relaxed and informative way."
"Your images and your story are inspirational. A lot of your more recent works, including 2nd & 3rd distinction panels are truly original. It's so rare to see something new in art that nobody else has done."
"I have just made a bit personal "headspace" to watch the recording of your talk. It was brilliant. I need say no more."
"Alison gave an intriguing and thought provoking presentation, accompanied by many of her excellent photographs. In a period of less than five years, starting as a complete beginner, she has achieved three RPS distinctions culminating in a FRPS. She has developed her own style of photography which has been very much influenced by her Autism."
"Alison had the type of energy in her work that we should all feed off. Far from being a hindrance Alison had used her Autism to great advantage in her photography to demonstrate her really exciting individuality – something we should all wish for."
Upcoming bookings
Many clubs and societies welcome visitors for a small fee on the door. Please contact the club or society directly for information.
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